[muh-loh-dee-uhs]  [muht]

Stories With A Song

Run With The Quirky Bird

Melodious Mutt

He was handcrafted in the
Land of One Stoplight and catches flies like Mr. Miyagi with his imaginary friend named Fred.

Meet Mateo and Maria

No Buzzards Allowed

What happens when two Arizona buzzards who don't belong find out about a magical lake in Oregon?

Meet Henry

Bear in a cage

At a little town in the middle of
nowhere lived Henry the Bear.
This is his story.

Melodious Mutt Supports

Street kids direct

Their vision is to see a world where children and young people do not need to depend upon the streets in order to survive.

The Aunt Gladys Collection

Free Stuff

Join The Quirky Bird Nest and Receive a this coloring book page from the Great, Great Aunt Gladys Old Fashioned Coloring Book

All Inquiries:

@2024 Quirky Bird Records

Musical Mongrel
Witty Wordslinger
Theatrical Tunesmith
Persnickety Producer
Animated Artist
Adventurous Arranger
Silvery Singer